Sunday, April 18, 2010

Purgatory Playlist Purging (One)

This is a small sample of the ratings that I have assigned to songs today. The collection of songs with no rating in my iTunes library is known as Purgatory. This playlist is where songs wait to see if they have what it takes to make it into regular rotation in my listening habits.

RATING. Artist - Song Title

FOUR. Land of Talk - May You Never

FIVE. Mike Harvat - All That Is Real (I found my self singing along before the song was over. It's very uptempo and friendly.)

TWO. the dead sea - The Devil Bends (The good parts of this song are quite good, but it's very cluttered. There are unnecessary elements that make the track feel crowded. There are a few moments that almost make me claustrophobic. I grew tired of listening to it at about 3 minutes. The track is 4:40 total)

TWO. The Killers - Sam's Town (The vocals don't start until 0:45. This song is over 4 minutes so it gets rated one spot lower than I actually think it deserves. I don't like The Killers very much.)

ONE. Hanson - Speechless (I still enjoy the Middle of Nowhere album from time to time, but this may be the worst song on the entire album. It would be a TWO but it's over 4 minutes long.)

ONE. tobyMac - Hype Man (I'm not typically a fan of kids in songs. I feel like it's a gimmick and frankly, over used. Especially when it's the artists child. Take your kid to work and let him push some buttons and play with the reverberation. I don't need to hear him/her. This will probably the only track on Portable Sounds that gets less than 3 stars. However, I'm not done rating this album yet.)

THREE. nullsleep - bump ur head (This song isn't even 2 minutes long. It cuts off just before it becomes repetitive.)

FOUR. Shut Up Donny - Does She? (If I wasn't so I tired, I could probably remember the words better to start singing along. Right now the lyrics are going by too fast for me. This is very typical of music that I like. It's a somewhat fast punk tune and not all of the parts are performed perfectly but the imperfections in playing give a more raw and real feel to it.)

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